Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Adrew Wilkow's Site Added to Favorites

A second non-blog has been found insensitive enough to merit inclusion:  The Wilkow Majority.

Andrew Wilkow hosts the "Wilkow Majority" radio show on Sirius XM satellite radio.  His show airs from 11AM to 2PM central and is reason enough to get a subscription.

Wilkow once said:  "Perez Hilton is a vile sodomite."  And he has subsequently repeated it on multiple occasions.  That ALONE is enough to get him in the Insensitivity Hall of Fame....but believe me, the rest of his show qualifies as well.  He focusses on economics and does so in a straightforward, unafraid-to-offend way.  He's unique in TalkRadio land.

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